It was fun to go along to my lovely cousin's 40th last night and see some relatives I don't see often! I had a thought in the afternoon "Maybe I should take a camera?" and i emailed to ask if that would be OK. OK indeed it was and, so I thought - no worries, a7RMk2 in a holster / maybe a Retrospective 5, just keep it simple, you know...
3LeggedThing Tripod & MindShiftGear MultiMount Holster w/ Sony a7RMk2 + Zeiss 35mm f/1.4
That's always the plan, go light, go simple... So, The gear I ended up taking (In a new camera bag I'm using that I can't tell you about) was as follows...
- Sony a7R Mk2
- Sony Zeiss Distagon 35mm f/1.4
- Sony Zeiss 16-35mm f/4
- Sony Zeiss 90mm f/2.8 Macro
- Sony Zeiss 55mm f/2.8
- Phottix Mitros+ / Odin TCU
- Jinbei HD600 v2.0 600Ws Studio light
- Jinbei 120cm Quick Fold Octa
- MagMod Modifier kit
- Voking VK360 Mini-Flash
- KupoGrip Click Stands x 2
- 3Leggedthing Winston
- Pop-up backdrop
Yeah, see, managed to travel light! Anyways, it was for the fun of it, the backdrop was tooooo small, but there were some fun pictures and a great evening - Happy Birthday Jo!