Take this sinking boat...

An update on that whole tag thing, but first, press play on the video below and be amazed by Glen and Marketa...  Instagram - I tagged my images for a week, or actually, a little less because I was hating doing it.... 

  • When I started, I had 786 followers... now I have 798... Wow... Err?
  • When I stared, I had an average of Oh, 4 likes per image? Now I'm getting an average of err... Yeah, about 4?
  • The most tags I got for the week were on the first image I only put ONE tag on #tagless
  • The second highest number of likes had the tag #poledance - perverts.
  • I've just tagged a picture of a cat with #cat and it has 49 likes.... cats?
  • Maybe it's me, maybe tagging isn't the magic pill?  

As you were!

...and point it home, we've still got time | Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova- Falling Slowly

Take half an hour out... | 5 in 30

Every now and then, we hit a digital wall that can only be overcome by turning off. That wall can also be an emotional wall - with the amount of incoming mental stimulation these days, I find it easy to reach that wall and to hit it, hard... Every now and then, I take half an hour, turn everything off and go for a walk around - I limit myself to taking five photographs to help try to describe (to myself) where my head is at, with those five images - I'd hazard to add that 99.823% of people wouldn't make the same connection that I do, to that image and my state of mind - so, an exercise it to take that walk, and then post those images, for two reasons... to remember and to forget and move on.

It helps to know where you're at, before you try to get where you're going. Stop, work it out.

Sometimes it's also best to remember where you've been, so you can take into account what did and did not work.

Keep a clear head, don't get yourself lost along the way - you're not the only one on a journey, ask people for directions.

Whilst you may feel thrown aside sometimes, there are always others around that can help you pick yourself up and set you on that path again.

There are multiple opportunities to stub out the bad parts of what and who you are, stub them out, open the lid and throw them in - don't look back

That was my self-journey today. What's yours?

How to pose a model, part one...

This is a VERY serious* post on just some of the ways you may pose a model at a club night, I will simply show you a set of images and you can try the ones that work best for you. Please note, all 'models' were under the influence of at least some alcohol, some were under the influence of about as much alcohol as a small jet plane burns between Sydney and Brisbane... [minor nsfw]

More after the *slurp* ....semi-graceful fall down the steps to the ladies room! [jump!]

*please note, there are two boobs after the jump! if you're offended by boobs, well* 

There's really only one place to go from here if you're not getting the 'coverage' you're after... (If a BOOB offends you, please, smash your screen NOW!) simply 'get 'em out' (Though, your friends may not like it so much!)

I hope this post has given you a grasp of what NOT to do when shooting club nights...

*yes, this post was a bit of a joke!*

Olloclip | Macro

Answer: Both photos were taken with my iPhone. I wanted to try a little experiment. 

Please buy your Olloclip here.

Can you tell me which of these images is taken with my iPhone 4 and an Olloclip on the macro end, and which is taken with my 100mm f/2.8 L series Canon macro lens and a Canon 5DMKII? Both images scaled to a maximum of 800px for my blog using Lightroom III

[poll id="7"]

Either, Or...Either, Or...

The Setup was simple...

Please buy your Olloclip here.

Social Media ROI and being realistic

ROI - Return on Investment.  I charge a client "x" per month to manage all aspects of their social media. I work very hard to make sure I'm giving good value for money, I don't switch off, I eat, breathe and sleep strategy and communication (with their audience) and I am  always looking for better ways to make sure I'm doing all I can... In short, the return on their investment in social media should be clear, right?

Leads generated via social media oriented destinations convert (sometimes, generally) to trackable website traffic which you then funnel to a sales transaction = Measurable ROI...

It's not that simple, though...

Why ROI isn't clear to me.

Let's say for a minute that your client is a camera bag manufacturer, that they have lots of users in the digital space, and by nature of digital photography, those people spend time on line. So "company a" invest in me to maintain their social communications - that's fine, so far... But, what happens if all of the people that I talk to, reply to, guide, chat with, laugh at or generally interact with over the course of my day, in relation to "company a's social media" then decide to offline it and buy company a's product via standard real world retail channels... (You remember shops, right?)

There's no way that I can track and report an offline sale - it's almost impossible to keep a "for sure" track on the online sales...

So, what if sales were up, everything looked normal, but there were NO conversions "via social" ....but really there are! (remember, they've gone to a shop to buy the product after they talked about it with me online!)

That's where I start to think - well, look... it's not really about ROI, is it? It's about building faith in your brand, it's about providing a good feedback channel and a secondary customer support line in.

Or do I have it all wrong? I'd love your thoughts below, please...
