Take half an hour out... | 5 in 30

Every now and then, we hit a digital wall that can only be overcome by turning off. That wall can also be an emotional wall - with the amount of incoming mental stimulation these days, I find it easy to reach that wall and to hit it, hard... Every now and then, I take half an hour, turn everything off and go for a walk around - I limit myself to taking five photographs to help try to describe (to myself) where my head is at, with those five images - I'd hazard to add that 99.823% of people wouldn't make the same connection that I do, to that image and my state of mind - so, an exercise it to take that walk, and then post those images, for two reasons... to remember and to forget and move on.

It helps to know where you're at, before you try to get where you're going. Stop, work it out.

Sometimes it's also best to remember where you've been, so you can take into account what did and did not work.

Keep a clear head, don't get yourself lost along the way - you're not the only one on a journey, ask people for directions.

Whilst you may feel thrown aside sometimes, there are always others around that can help you pick yourself up and set you on that path again.

There are multiple opportunities to stub out the bad parts of what and who you are, stub them out, open the lid and throw them in - don't look back

That was my self-journey today. What's yours?