Where did the years go...

press play on tape.

I know what a mid-life crisis is, I've seen friends have them. I felt like I was headed towards one this week. Suddenly I wanted a motorbike and to be playing in a band and to quit my job and move to a farm and have six sheep and some cows...

But I didn't...

We've got this thing going on called life - we make choices, they point us where we're going, they stop us in our tracks.

Sometimes these choices aren't the right ones and that's OK... Mistakes go hand in hand with choices.

Do your best, friends.


Today I went for a walk with my wife and my little boy, we wandered to the park, off the beaten track into the bushes as Sebastian calls it... Take a minute to stop - stop the noise and enjoy what you have. It's really hard.

Oh how they change...

It's pretty amazing to stop and think about where the time has gone since my little man was born... He's four this year - it feels like no time and a lifetime, all at the same time... I was looking for some images for a client from last year earlier, and came across the truck photo below, and thought it'd be interesting to do a comparison...


So that's Seb with his first Tonka, the one I stood on and near died / split it in half... He'd been two for about three months. Still has that concentrated 'tongue out of the mouth' running with trucks face on...


This one is from a few weeks ago, different park, different truck... Same manic run (he's on two wheels for this one!)

They grow up so quickly... Don't miss it... Buy Milkshakes...


Delete multiple Facebook messages at once 2013

I've searched around to find a solution for getting rid of a couple of years worth of junk / business page / spam messages on Facebook - there used to be a handy Chrome plugin, that's dead and gone. I found a nifty Javascript shortcut that will work. Here's a quick how-to and a link to the JS. 1. Add the "Delete all Facebook messages" link below to your Bookmarks bar so that you can see it, eg;

Screen Shot 2013-06-25 at 12.09.40 AM

THIS IS THE LINK [click / drag / drop on bookmarks bar]

2. Go to Facebook and go into your messages view, either archived or main messages window or spam, and then click the bookmark you've created - your address bar may rapidly change a few times. You will most likely get a pop up that says "this will be deleted forever blah blah" and you will most likely have to click the shortcut a few times to get 'em all... better than opening each one and deleting manually.

If you're crap a following the instructions I've penned for you, here's a dude to talk you through it. [and the original link - it worked for me]