Tonight is the first in hopefully many Songkick meet-ups. I'm going along to meet the people at Songkick and see what "all the fuss" is about. How would I describe Songkick? I'd call it "The amazing music diary" or "The musical timeline of my life" or something equally as corny (You know me...) - What they say about it... "Songkick allows you to organize and track your favorite bands and track concerts and dates. Get instant tour dates from your music library" And it's true... And it's brilliant!
Let me give you an example... Take a gig that you've been to, for example - My first gig that I recall was on Saturday 15 November 1980, It was Kiss at VFL Park Stadium! I wore facepaint and I had a glowing worm thing - It was for my sixth birthday treat from my dad - Oh yes, I was ROCK back then too! - So, you go to SongKick and search for that gig, then you can "track" an artist and see when and where they're playing next. You can befriend people, post images, videos etc... It's like the perfect mix of Faceache, MySpaz and it intergrates with Twitter as well...
I'm telling you all this because I think it's something a few of my twitter followers need to be part of...
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Join up, Rock out!