Was allowed back in the pit the other night with lovely bloke and epic photographer, Adam Elmakias... Wandered along to watch him work and see how things were in the pit... Had a great time, even made a few photographs...
The Support : The Ghost Inside.
The Band : A Day To Remember.
The Venue : The Forum, Melbourne.
I used two camera bodies, a Canon 5DMK2 and a Canon 5DMK3, the MK3 had a 16-35mm f/2.8 (mk1) lens on it, the MK2 had a 70-200 f/2.8IS on it and, in hindsight, I'd have left it at home... The stage is low and close and it was tight... Maybe just a 35 or, at a stretch, the 24-70 next time... Yep...
The Ghost Inside were the second support, I didn't make it to the pit for the first band, "I Killed The Prom Queen" but i did hear some of their bassy rumblings... Between shooting the first three of The Ghost Inside and A Day to Remember, I sat with Adam in his little room and chatted about the tour so far, managed to offend him by thinking he was late 20's (he's a very mature young man, what of it!) and hearing about him and where he's from and stuff - it was really cool to be able to hang out. Make sure you check out Adam's work on his website, Tumblr, Facebook and Instagram. Spend some time having your mind blown by ADTR and ...well ...that's it!
Happy days...
Oh, side note - the pit was rammed. The *kids* were loving the hell out of it... "A good time was had by all" ...well, aside from Alicia who was hit with a beer... (I think it was her...)
Gallery below of a couple of extra photographs, hope you enjoy!