19 September, 2008 I asked a couple of questions on an old blog I had, they were...
- Where do you see your photography a year from now?
- What would you mostly like to improve?
- If you had to choose one style of photography and not do anything other than that, for the remains of your professional life, what style would it be?
My blog, being the VERY well read blog that it was* collected a few replies, I thought it was interesting to see what and where those people were, today.
This is the photograph I posted with the blog post back then. Not sure why.
Answers came from the following folk...
- Andy Clement
- Disco Stu
- Inn (Eda aka Elegantly Wasted Words)
- Daz
- GeekGirly
- April (Who I guess I've lost all contact with / for)
- Pasky
- Steve Bryson (Steve commented in 2011)
You can read the answers the guys gave, here, on the original blog post... I'm not posting them on THIS post because I'd like to ask them a favour -- If you answered back then, please leave a comment below and let me know 'how you did' -- where are you now?
Compared with what I was shooting in 2008, I guess i've progressed a bit - I'm better at it and I'm paid to do it now. Although I don't do it full time, it is a large part of my 9-5 and remaining relevant in my 9-5 space which is photographic social media.
What about you - where do you see yourself in a year from now? Leave a comment, please.
*or not