Back the hell up! Storage Issues?

Digital Photographers are continually wondering how to backup their photographs, and then how to back-up their back ups. I visited the whole back-up issue a couple of months back and now, here I am, still struggling with ridiculous amounts of data. And you have to be prepared because you never know when you're going to have a brain melt and empty a cup of water into your laptop, right? Laptop Water Damage

So, I've located most of my image library files (largely Canon RAW) on a 4TB G-Raid3 drive... A great drive, but, to buy them over and over as the library grows is just silly. So I was thinking about a backup drive that will take all and more, the drive needs to be fast, upgradeable, flexible and cost effective... The only solution I'm hitting on time after time is a Drobo, but then I've heard reports that they're a bit buggy - so, there's a V2.0 out - which is bound to be buggy too... THe only consolation being that the bugs are within the firmware / controllers - so the data on your disks is still going to be OK if the unit fails...

Why Drobo? There's nothing else... Simple... I've searched for ages and there's nothing that is as streamlined and easy to use... (It's not just for me)

More on this tomorrow...