I had some better luck, and despite (nobody) being able to shoot the lads, I met their tour photog after he'd done his bit and we exchanged emails - he's sending me his stuff which is awesome... I wandered out into the field and then through vip into the press area and out to our truck, I popped up onto the roof and got this little bit of footage...
That was amazing, I sat on the truck and totally soaked it up... I popped back into the production compound just short of their last track so I wouldn't get locked out, and with camera attached at wrist I waited at the door only to have a girl put her darn hand up in my what could have been a cool photo :( That's OK... He smiled, waved and said hello... nice
Then, as every good groupie should, I wandered out of my little office and Jeremy walked up (The Killers Manager) and I asked him if he'd get the lads to sign my Hot Fuss cover... he was ever so nice and, the result you can see below... Add to that a yarn with their stage manager and one of his guys, Clark, and I'm a happy lad... (Groupie'esq)