A Short Story : Terry the man #62019A

Terry the man lived in a little house, and slept on a little rug. Terry was a simple man with simple pleasures, he liked the feel of the 23 year old brown woollen rug under his smooth yet strangely durable body. He liked the way the tufts in the carpet gently poked his little back and legs. Terry The Man by Simon Pollock

One day, Terry climbed the back of one of the 46 year old kitchen chairs to take a look over the massive pile of shop catalogues that someone had started collecting, Terry had no idea why they would do this, but it wasn't his to reason why. Terry climbed his little heart out, up the tattered chair filled with horses hair stuffing until he reached the very top! Reaching his arms high above his head, which he does often, he gazed out across the countryside. There wasn't all that much to see Terry though... Not much at all...

Terry The Man by Simon Pollock

Just then, some miles below, or perhaps just 73.6cm, Terry heard a commotion, a terrible din of some description! Terry picked up his gaze and focused on the sound! he couldn't quite make out what it was, growing louder, clicking and clacking! The muscular, yet small (for his age) plastic man wasn't scared, he'd happily tackle the approaching clicking clacking phantom HEAD ON! Terry stood his ground, as only a plastic figure with no actual working legs can.. His steely gaze fixed on the crest of the hill, err, table...

Terry The Man by Simon Pollock

He was ready, his hands were steady, he got varm.. oh, sorry, that was an Eminem [M&M? Whatever] lyric that popped into Terry's head.... he was there, like a tiny plastic mule, poised - ready to strike! On the edge of the valley of doom that was the side table! It was right at that moment that Terry caught a glimpse of the reflection of himself in the end of my 100mm macro... Terry smiled a cheeky smile, flicked me the bird and then stood there wondering what in the plastic devil of playtimes name I was doing... I explained to him that I was waiting for Steve, Terry didn't buy it...Terry The Man by Simon PollockScratching his head, Terry got a firm grip on his small, but big for a plastic man sized nerves and had a good hard look in the mirror, the mirror with disco-ball dots (which he's sure his friend Chrystal would like) ..he thought about life, the universe and how a camera had made him think his life was about to end... Sometimes life is like that...

Terry The Man by Simon Pollock

The End... for someone... what will happen next time! #62019